So now I SHOULD be able to blog a bit more consistently though I still have a lot of other things to do. One of those major things is actually the revamp of the magazine I'm currently the editor of which is Mobile World (remember to pick up your copy at the nearest bookstore or newsstand :D). There have been some changes in the look of the mag since I've taken over but I'm really looking forward to doing more with the mag and hopefully bringing it to another level. Well all I can say is stay tuned for developments there and if you're not reader, why not pick it up and give me your thoughts and opinions. I'm always open to suggestions.
Also since starting this full 9-5 job I've managed to bring some semblance of order to this life of mine. I'm still picking up some of pieces of my 1 and a half years of freelancing like some financial issues and my screwed up body clock but hey if I had to do it again I would. Life for me is about lessons and well I wouldn't have learned anything if I didn't try freelancing full time.
Anyway time to get back to work and remember to post your recommendation for the mag.