Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Exams are over now work can begin

Yes my exams are over. Finally... hopefully I pass one of my papers though I'm sure i screwed up another. I've found this past 4 months that working and studying is really, really, really difficult. Just trying to think of studying and working at the same time gave me massive headaches. Ah... to only focus on a single tasks. Originally I thought, well how hard could it be. Well I found out how hard it was. On top of my work with LYN and my other freelance gigs, I really couldn't cram things more into my brain. The worst part was shifting gears into study mode. It's really hard when one minute you're thinking of what to write for your next article or review and the next you're trying to remember marketing terms and theory. It was a bit easier doing news pieces since those didn't really require much thinking but when it came to reviewing stuff and trying to remember my marketing theory, well lets say sometimes I got certain acronyms mixed. OMG I hope I didn't put in any IT acronyms into my exam.

Anyway things should go back to normal now. I can fully focus on my work over at LYN and even ramp up my reviews (which were honestly being left aside). Will be updating more often as well.

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